Just when you thought I had gone and left you.....

Chronicles of a wedding…

Yep – It’s that time. I’m heading to Las Vegas in the morning to get married. Crazy that I have all the jitters of a little boy asking a girl for his first kiss. Lisa and I have been together for over 12 years and just never made things official until now. I should be totally over the jitters but nope…i’m not. Neither is she…and she’s glowing all over the place too! haha

It really does make me feel good to see her so happy. We will have a blast in Vegas and I’ll try to get back here and update things as we go. This way I don’t spam the hell out of facebook friends that could care less…yet I still get to be the dorky ass nerd that I am and talk to no one by myself here…like writing my own diary.

Look forward to more, but right now I’m going to go pack for the weekend!! Wishing us luck!! ta-ta


  1. Connie Mac

    I love it! It will make us feel like we are there with you. So, you’ve got the jitters…that’s the way it should be. Looking forward to the next post.

  2. clark brown

    have a great time, and enjoy what true love brings…
    and bet on even…red

  3. Kevin

    Congratulations to the both of you! It’s about time!

  4. Kelly da Dad

    Hey… waitin’ on the updates here! 84F here in Orlando today!
    Love and selamat!

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